Guilty Little One
Indeed kids are different in their own ways. My two boys has opposite characteristics. They are quite different in so many ways, like the oldest is more reserved and quiet, unlike the little one is more strong willed and outspoken (he must have got it from me). Anyway, the little one is the one i always keep an eye on all the time for he does something that he shouldn’t do, such climbing countertop, tables, chairs and desks. And sometimes he touches things that he’s not really supposed to, like knives, scissors and etc. That is why i hid those from him already and made sure it will out of his reach.
The other we went to the restaurant to celebrate my birthday, a belated celebration since we got plenty of left overs in the fridge and we don’t want to go out while there is still some food at home. Well, to make the story short, because my little is quite a handful little man, he accidentally tripped the crowd control that the restaurant put to organize the incoming customers. I was so embarrassed because some people got hit, but they understand that it was just a little boy who did it. Still, it was not an excuse. How silly my little one is, i sure hope that the incident that happened there won’t be repeated somewhere else.