Monday, March 31, 2008
Private Jet Charter
Anyway, i am talking about this one because i know that most of Americans are more into adventure and i know that they would love to have this kind of adventure too just like us with my husband. And this Private Jet Charter is a perfect choice to have enable to do all the roaming around the country. And to those people that are really fond of this kind of exploring, you might want to check out the website that i am referring to and you will find it very informative and very helpful for you. Or if you know someone that wants to do something like this kind of adventure, you try to introduce them this Executive Jet Carter Co.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Recent Activities
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Friday, March 28, 2008
My Passion Color
Your Passion is Gray |
![]() Your sexual attitude is best described as apathetic. Often joking that you're asexual, you can go months without getting any. For you, great sex does not make or break a relationship. If it happens, it's just the icing on the cake. |
I agree to what the above says about me. It only means that relationship is not all about physical intercourse, also needs to encourage each other enable for the relationship to grow more stronger and firmer. I may not be as experienced as others but as far as i have experienced i am pretty much educated on how to handle a good relationship and i would say that physical intercourse is one factor that can make the relationship stronger but needs also cheering up one another when one of you is down.
Church Fundraising
Thursday, March 27, 2008
As Boredom Struck Me
Anyway, so right now i am very happy with the outcome to this website, simple and very elegant. Not so fancy yet very appealing to me. Since that we are now in spring season, that's why i made my header something like that. Hope everyone who visits my blog will like the new look and i would be very happy if you leave some thoughts of what can you say about this new image of my website. Thank you once again fellow bloggers and have a goodnight!
Unique Plastic Bags
All she have to do is order her plastic bags in Plastic Bag Manufacturer. In fact they are having a current Trade Show Bags for her to see lots of different kinds of plastics she can choose from and lots of styles and prints on it. She is very interested of course who doesn't want to have their store being recognized by people right? Actually she wants me to help her and she asked favor to me that i will be the one to purchase her plastic bags that she is going to use as her store plastic bags.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My Little Engineer
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Automobile Loan Refinancing
Barely Got Up
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Anyway, you can find this fight by clicking the website that i provided above on how to get your tickets and you can pay for it in any way. If you are fan of these two you wouldn't surely want to miss this big event once again. I know most of people loves sports and this is one of the most exciting event that is worth to wait for. I been waiting for this and now it going to happen so soon. We are looking forward for the date of this fight and getting so anxious to know who's gonna win the fight this time. I have in my mind already who will win but i better watch the fight myself just to make sure.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
![]() You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly. You are also good at remembering information and convincing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary. You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
I got this very interesting survey and i was flattered of what it says here. I don't think i can be a lawyer and politician because for some reason i just don't want to get involve in politics and laws as much as possible. Maybe i can be a writer or a teacher or probably can be a translator but no poet either. How about you? Do you want to take a survey? Grab it now! And check what will be yours say.
Life Insurance Settlements
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Personality Easter Egg
What Your Easter Egg Says About You |
![]() You are responsible, loyal, and a true leader. You are able to pick up the slack when needed... And you never feel resentful for helping others. You are a true friend. You enjoy knowing that people can count on you. |
I stole this from Jenny's blog because i can't find anything to say no more so i thought of grabbing this one even though she didn't yes yet to me lol! Anyway, i just want to thank Jenny although that i just stole this from her. And i am very glad i took the survey because i am very flattered of what it says above. I guess this survey is not a liar at all! Do you want to know what kind of personality you have? Try this one! i don't mind if you steal this survey from me lol!
Bad Credit Offers

Best Web Hosting
Family Easter Day
Friday, March 21, 2008
Termite Prevention
Easter Saturday

Cash Back Shopping
Thursday, March 20, 2008
He did It Again!
So i told our son that he will just watch television while daddy is not home yet. He said yes and a little bit after, i noticed that the living room went so quiet. And when i checked this is what i found.

He did it again. Every time he gets worn out from playing he falls asleep like this. And what's funny on this photos is he's hanging in the couch lol! Take a look at this poor boy! Take note! He always have his red blanket with him, that's his security blanket though lol!
Fantasy Baseball
So anyway, i showed this fantasy baseball to him that i found and he is very impressed of how organized to be his team if he have something like this. He is really amazed and wants his team to have such a good organization just like what he saw in this website. And he is very thankful enough to me that i showed this to him because he got a very good idea and strategy on how to manage his team very well now. He learned so much and he wants to have this website for his team. I am glad i was able to help him a bit and he told me that i helped him a lot.

I forgot!
Oyster Lover

Lazy Blogger
Human Growth Hormone
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Beautiful Morning
Anyway, i just stopped by here thought of giving all my readers a warm greetings on this beautiful Wednesday morning and hoping that you all have a beautiful morning like i do. May you get all the things done for today without any problems headaches or any complication. Have a great day everyone!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Rap Forum
I Made It Myself
Entertainment Centers
Monday, March 17, 2008
Around The World
++Start Copying here++

These are the Links Around the World Tag:
1. Place your link after the list. If you have more than 1 blog, feel free to add them all here!
2. After placing your blog’s address/es, you must tag 5 or more bloggers that is is not yet in the list, this is to keep the ball rolling.
3. Here is the best part: Make sure to update your list every now and then, by getting the master list here. I’ll be updating the master list every day, or as soon as I see a new blog that’s been added to the list. ^_^
Links around the world tag
1. Momhood Moments 2. Business Mars 3. A Simple life 4. moms….. check nyo 5. Mommy’s Little Corner 6. Random Thoughts 7.Paradigm 8. Twinkletoe I 9. Twinkletoe II 10. SorealSotrue 11. Gracie de guzman 12. The Chic Shopaholic 13. Blog District 14.Rich Valla 15. Istilo Pinoy 16. Joey M.D. 17. The Working Mom 18. Online Raket 19. Mommy's Gibble Gabbles 20. Sweet Paradise 21. My Life My World
California Golf Courses

I am very thankful to my pretty friend for being so patient all the time teaching me tricks in movie maker. She is a very good teacher, she is the one always help me out every time i have questions. Thank you so much Pretty Ivy, i love you! I truly treasure our friendship. Anyway, here's the links of my videos, i posted them to my two domains and please click the title of my domains below.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Family Day Saturday

Friday, March 14, 2008
Paris Hotels
Tomorrow's Plan
Insurance Leads
Uh-oh It's Snowing Again!!!
Military Uniforms
So i told her that she can have the best and durable military uniform for her husband. I found the best website where she can buy his clothing and she can choose lots of different durable uniforms for her husband. This company has a lot of military uniforms - army uniforms that she can choose. She was glad when i told her about this because she can now buy the most toughest and durable military gear for her husband. Also she mention that her brother is police man, she can also refer this website to her brother since this website also sells police gears.
Please Read First!!!
So please don't be so harsh when you send messages here. Please also read my latest entries before you leave messages in my tagboard. Just don't find where's the tagboard at, find a little time to read my entries because i don't fail to write what i am up to everyday. I know most of us bloggers have kids, and you all know what i am talking about when child or children get sick, they are most precious and most important than blogging right? This is just one of our hobbies and i know that.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Scalamandre Fabric
They want us to deliver the entry with our own words using our own great minds to create the best entry. So if you happen to read this since i been seeing you here in my website please don't copy all what's written here because i used my heart and my mind writing all the articles i have here. I didn't copy all these to someone else's blog or even copying someone's idea to create my own entry. Understand???
Teaching The Children
This is gonna be very helpful to us as well if we have something that we haven't learned yet, we are educating our children and at the same time learning it with our own self. Like me, i need to be more knowledgeable with this laws and regulations since i am not familiar to most of what's written in the law book or those documented books of Unites States in America. Aside from teaching your kids to have good manners and right conduct, this is one of the most important to teach them, the law matters.
Happy Enough
But that's alright, i am very much contented of what i get from this blogging thing, i am just happy enough thinking that i am making money online staying home and at the same time i can take care of my family. And paid blogging is one way of helping my family back home, i am happy that i can help them financially even though i am not employed outside the house.
Bad Credit Auto Loans
Random Facts
Here's some of random facts about my son:
1. He feels like he's grown up, you cannot talk to him like a baby. He always corrects his daddy and mommy that he's not a baby no more and he's a kid lol!
2. He's not picky at all, he can eat anything except exotic food.
3. He's quite advance for his age and he learns so fast. That's why we are very careful of what we say here inside the house because he'll copy it soon as he hears new words from us.
4. He's a behave boy, he doesn't like to play with very hyper active kids that sometimes can hurt their playmates.
5. He's very polite boy, he always greet good morning daddy and good morning mommy. And say goodnight when it's bed time. He also say please and thank you every time we are giving him something.
6. At the early age he can recite the alphabet and also can count from 1 to 10. And now he can read three letter words.
7. He loves to eat banana a lot and also apple.
So far these are just some of the random facts about my son, he's got a lot of characters and behaviors that sometimes amazed me. And i know he is learning everyday.
Share Your Recipes

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- Create the perfect dinner party
All of this and much more and best of all its all free. Get to to get started today.
Revealing The Gender
Casino Online
So are you like my aunt that loves to play online? If you do, then you should visit the website and enjoy the fun games they offer to this website with the players as well. With this, you are going to enjoy your stay being online while having the chance of winning money in this game, isn't that sounds so cool? I bet you are going to love this!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sick And Weak
Anyway, i can manage myself well that's why i'd rather be the one's get sick than my poor son. But he is now better and we are very happy about that. And later i have an appointment with my gynecologist and hopefully we will find out what is the gender of my baby so i can run that contest that i am talking about a month ago. Good morning everyone may you will be blessed for the rest of the week!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Doctor's Appointment
Identity Protection
My Son Is Better
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Memory Foam Mattress
Sad And Worried
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sight Problem
Change My Life
You Can Change Your Life |
![]() You've probably already improved your life a great deal, and you're no stranger to change. You're able to make very difficult changes in your life. It's all about state of mind. And even if you have some trouble changing, you're smart enough to get support or take a different approach. So go ahead and dare to make things better. You know you can do it! |