Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Do you have a group that needs more funds for your project plans? shoutback can help you with that!!! They will help groups to raise more funds such as School PTA groups, churches, sports groups and many more. So if you want to raise more funds for your group don't hesitate to sign up at shoutback and rest assured that you will be happy with the outcome with it!

3 Gibble Gabblers:

Yummylicious said...

Well-made video Darls! COngrats Top earner kaau ka.

Yummylicious said...

Im not sure if my comment went in. Anyway what I said is this video is very well-create. Also congrats for being a top earner in PPP!

Ivy Sterling said...

wow oi maayo kaayo ni si mamu darl mang himo ug video....nice one good job mamu