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Monday, February 11, 2008

Father And Son Bonding

Last night hubby and our son had a bonding time as father and son. Our little boy beg his father to read him the book he got, so daddy of course read the books for his little young man. So while they are busy reading the book and while hubby is explaining to his son what's going on with the book they are reading, i took some snaps. I just couldn't help it, they look so precious to me and look so lovely while reading the book. Like i said before and will say it over and over again, it is only an ordinary day but yet it is very special moment to capture photos like these below.Excuse me for my son's shirt, it's a bit messy for he just finished eating orange when i took these photos with his daddy.


Carrie Smith said...

It's always great to capture the small moments as our children grow up. There is nothing better than having your son bond with his daddy. Your little boy is adorable!


jennyr said...

bonding time is always a good time! my kiddos are so attached to their daddy too! btw, naa diay koy tag nimo sa murag gitag nsad diay ka ni norms atu ba?

""rare jonRez"" said...

every bonding time is a special time jud darl. na ako mabuang na jud si bana sa kadaghan sa pics lagi ba. hehe

Sandy C. said...

Oh how sweet!!! I didn't even see any mess on his shirt. That is such a lovely moment to capture :)

carlamaldita said...

nakakatouch when fathers bond with their kids..
ang cute ng little boy mo!

