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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Life Insurance Settlements

My father in law is already 86 and hubby said that his dad has a lot of insurance. Every assets and some of them are life insurance settlements. When i talked to my father in law, he told me that he definitely need insurance since he is all by himself living in his big house and he can give something to his kids when he is gone. He is a quite smart old man. And he is very kind and generous to his kids. He doesn't want to see his kids having troubles or having some problems.


Life Insurance Canada said...

Your father in law is definitely a wiseman :). It is very usual for us in long term care insurance ontario that especially elders are taking in life insurance only as "matter of death". Truly, life insurance is more investment than just some "safety pillow" for accidents and tragedies. So it shouldn't be strange that retired person has life insurance - and not only as patrimony for his kids...

