Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sad And Worried

I am so emotionally depressed right now because my son is sick. I am very helpless and very tired for i haven't got enough sleep since yesterday. I feel so weak but i have to be strong because my son needs me so much. I couldn't even stay away from him within just a seconds when he's awake. And now that he's asleep i am praying and hoping that he will be better later. He saw me crying earlier while holding him and he wants me to stop crying. So i told him to get well so mommy won't cry no more, mommy is so worried and sad because her precious son is sick. In times like this, i wish i have somebody with me to share my emotion, like my mother. She can relate of how i feel right now. But i guess i have to be strong for my son, he needs me real bad.

1 Gibble Gabblers:

Mummy Sheng said...

hope you're son will feel better soon! i understand how you are feeling! mothers are like that!