My little one is just getting so big so fast! You probably all knew already that i can't have baby anymore. I guess i have mentioned about it here that my tubes are tied already. Well, i just took my doctor's advice better not to have baby no more because i might not make it next time. I almost wasted my life when i had my third baby. I was in pain and miserable. But it sure all worth it! I delivered a very healthy baby boy weighed 9.3 lbs and measured about 21 inches long.
We just had his check up this morning and according to the doctor he is doing very excellent. Base to the graph that the doctor is referring to, out of a hundred babies, most of them gets 75 percent of their growth, but my baby got 78 percent. I really don't know how to explain the whole thing but as far as what the doctor said, he is really doing great basing to his size, his weight, his head measurement and his moves. Mostly three months old babies can't sit on parent's lap yet or can't lift their head alone yet, but my baby can already. Well, he is starting to taste the rice cereal a little bit and i am giving him a little runny so he can swallow it easy like formula. Actually, my oldest son had his solid food when he was only a month. Yes, my babies eat solid food too early but they seem growing just fine and i am happy that they are growing healthy and happy kids.
2 Gibble Gabblers:
Hi, Darlene. Your boy is so quite.
My wife will be delivering our baby on March next year. I hope there will be no difficulty on her end as it is her first baby delivery...
Ka cute sa imoha anak. Mao man gyud dagwaya sa maguwang ug sa amahan hehehe. Dako gyud kaau moha baby ug very advance. Hala ui 1 month naga solid food na? Hmmmm, akong mga anak after 6 months nako g solid food.
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