Christmas is over, yet i am not even done wrapping more presents still. This coming New years eve, we are going to have another Fil-Am get together party and i am sure that it will be another blast for us. I love to go to my friend's house whenever there is special holidays like Christmas and New year to lessen the homesickness i feel for my family back home. This way, i can just have fun and forget that i am far away from my dear beloved family. If only takes at least 2 or 3 hours to go home then i would do it at least once a week. But since i am very far away, and we're talking like thousands of miles away, i guess it is very impossible to do that for me especially that the air fare nowadays are getting so expensive, plus the fact that i have my kids with me. I just can't go back to my hometown leaving them here to their dad since my husband is the one who's earning money. But anyway, i am excited for another party we are going to attend. And i wish to all of you guys a happy new year!!!
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