Saturday, January 9, 2010

Family Portrait

After all the holidays, i became more busier than usual. I got a preschooler that i have to pick up every afternoon and i have a little one that is now more attention seeker. I sure have a quite busy life. I cannot even take care of my own needs and wants. But even though my time went all to my family, i am loving it and i am thankful that i have a lovely family whom i can give my attention. I hardly have time to update my websites no more unlike before that i am very updated here almost everyday.

Things has changed to me now that i have two kids to take care of. As you all know that a responsibilities of a mother is never ending that's why i cannot update my websites no more like i wanted to. But anyway, since that i got the big chance to update this one now, i would like to share you all our very recent family photo, taken by my new Nikon D300s toy that hubby bought for me last Christmas... Thank you so much for those who dropped by here and who are going to drop by, i truly appreciate your effort for taking some time to visit me here...

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