Saturday, November 20, 2010

Going Home for Lunch

Guest written by our friend Mario Reed

There have been numerous times that I get off early for my lunch break. Since I work with doctors, we work on a patient-by-patient basis and if one patient cancels, we tend to get out early for lunch. Most of my family are unemployed, so I tend to like going home for lunch. My mom usually has a cold cut sandwich waiting for me when I arrive. What makes the whole thing perfect is the fact that I only live about ten minutes away from home.

When I get home, I might sit and relax while watching some Direc4U tv. Sometimes I'll go for a walk with my mom around the garden in our backyard. I especially love the spring and summer time when all of the flowers are blooming and look amazing. I also like the fall because I can spend my lunch hour just walking through the crunching leaves while wearing just a light jacket. I can't help but admit that I'm not too fond of the winter, especially where I live. The snow gets so thick that it's almost unbearable when driving to work. Some days I have to call out because I can't get into work! But then when spring rolls around, that's when I know I can fully enjoy the hour I have for lunch. Unfortunately, no sooner does my lunch break start then I have to go back to work!

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