Contributed by Johnny Graves
We live in Coastal Georgia just above the Florida line. Recently, a tropical storm was headed our way and we had to evacuate. We were gone just two days but the bad weather did a number on our house. The funny thing is that we have evacuated for really high category hurricanes before and never had any damage. When we got back after the tropical storm our electricity, cable, and telephone had been knocked out of service. There was also some structural damage to the exterior of the house. I had been planning on getting in touch with Direc4U cable kingsland to upgrade our television package, but just decided to go ahead and do it when we got back because I was having a tough time getting in touch with our previous service provider. It took a few weeks for the contractors to fix the structural damage to the house. About a month later everything was back to normal. I am glad that we decided to evacuate and not stay. It seems that a tropical storm can be just as mighty as a hurricane!
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