Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mommy's Day Out

Mommy had day out this afternoon and got home late. Daddy said that it's good for mommy to get out and have fun once in a while and he's happy for mommy. I'm glad too that i was able to shop with my friend and got the things that i wanted to buy. I bought some shoes and boots, i bought pants and perfumes too. I was able to take a break from my daily routine as a wife, a mother, a blogger and a housemaid lol! Yes i admit that i do need to go out once in a while to breath some fresh air outside. And good thing that i had fun shopping with my friend because i usually spoil my day if it's way too cold for me.

Anyway, i hope you guys had fun tonight as well whatever you did for the whole day. And i have to go to bed because i am tired and sleepy. See you guys tomorrow and have a goodnight everyone!

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