Monday, December 10, 2007

Tag From Juliana

This tag handed by Juliana to me. Thank you so much Jul for passing this tag to me, i really appreciate it. So here it goes!

It is December once again, the perfect time to extend our greetings to everyone in the blogosphere and unite for a common purpose: to enjoy life within the cyberspace.

So let’s give ourselves a break to go round and meet other bloggers, be the e-Santa Claus.


How to Join?

[1] Fill out and submit the details of this form.
[2]Copy and post the rules to your blog. Include the “backward list” (a record of how the tag reached you) and add your name.
[3] Recruit for participants. Be sure to get their consent.

Should they agree to join, add them to your “forward list” (bloggers you’ve convinced to join).

Remind them to do item #1.

** Participants will be accepted until December 16 (Phil. time) only. On December 17, the organizer will email to you the details of your Ronito/Ronita. Send him/her a Christmas greeting via E-cards preferably on December 25.

Should time be a constraint, you can send it earlier.

My Backward Link List:
iRonnie, jeff, bluepanjeet, thess, GBex, Liza, Liza 2, Rems, Eds, Abie, Jhona, Mich, Diane, Ideal Pink Rose, Juliana, Darlene

I am tagging Jenny, Ivy, In-in, and Recel. Girls, do it please!

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