Monday, January 28, 2008

Sad Morning

I woke up so early today although i went to bed last night so late. My sad dream woke me up with tears in my eyes and with heavy heart. I went to the kitchen to get some water to make me feel better. It's really hard sometimes if you are away with your love ones and you know some problem they have and you cannot help them emotionally. That's what i am undergoing right now, i am helpless and can't do anything about the situation. All i can do is just to pray that my family back home would be alright and find some solution to what they are going through right now. Even though i am wide awake already, still i can't help but to continue crying from what i have dreamed it is because my dream is a fact that i should contribute some help enable for the one member of my family to relate and realize what i have undergone in my life for the past years before i got married to my dear loving husband and got a wonderful and very lovely family of my own now.

Right now, i am very sad and feeling so down, i want to call them but i am holding back. I am just hoping that this problem would be over soon and everybody will be happy and contented. I love my family more than myself i would say, i have proven that already to them but yet some of them didn't realized that. Maybe they do, but they just don't value and realize how much i love them and want to be with them so bad.

11 Gibble Gabblers:

Jocelyn said...

I too feel that way when I know my family back home has problems. You can't help it. I hope you feel better soon.
I don't know if I told you before but I'm from Cagayan de Oro, Bisaya sab're on my blogroll. :)

RAINEL said...

there will always be problem back hoem & even here and even how hard we try we can't solve it all. be calm dai & remember emotional distress can affect ur pregnancy.surrender everything to God. Meditatte and ask for her guidance. Every problem can be solved by GOD...

**"Liza"** said...

Sorry to hear that Darls..I hope your family will understand your situation right now. hey you need to calm down since buntis ka pa naman. Just keep praying and hoping that they will realized how much they meant to you.. ;) "HUGS"

Mummy Sheng said...

hellO! i know how hard it is being away from your loved-ones knowing that they've got a problem. you just have to be strong and continue praying for them. things will get better soon. god bless!

Liza said...

I hope you're feeling better now. I have an award for here,
hope you like it. TC

Catsy said...

Hello there.. Been here! Just doin' my round visit. Hope u could also check out mine too. tnx.. :-) Have a great day ahead..

Carrie Smith said...

Hope you are feeling better today Darlene. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and hope all works out.


hope this will help cheer you up!

Mommy Ruby said...

i know how you feel. i am not outside the Philippines but i am very far away from home. i missed them also. i haven't been back home for more than 2 years now. anyway, just be strong and keep everything in faith.

Bless said...

Hope everything is fine. I know how you feel. God bless you and your family.

If you have the chance I got a tag for you. tc

Michelle said...

hi darl, hope you feel better now. you take care...

jennyr said...

easy2 lang diha darls...i hope u won't worry too much kse what u feel, the baby feels it too! think about the good times, happy memories and glad moments, ok??? u take care always...i understand what u feel so, i hope u will feel better soon!