Friday, February 12, 2010

Do I Really Look Young?

At the age of 29, a lot of people thought that i am only a high school kid lol! Maybe because i am a tiny person and i look younger than my age. Mostly Asians look younger than what they suppose to look like and that's including me. If you are one happy person like me, sure you're gonna have face that is younger than your age. When i first got here, our neighbors thought i was just a little girl and they were so surprised when they knew i am the mother of the boy i am always carrying around. There were a lot of times that people thought that my son is my younger brother. It sounds so silly to me that's what they really thought of me. I guess it's a compliment for me and i just laugh sometimes because i really don't know what to say.

0 Gibble Gabblers: