Grapefruit is not just a fruit for me and for my family. It is the best medicine whenever we get colds and sore throat. We always rely to this fruit because it has lots of Vitamin C that can make us well in no time. It doesn't fail us whenever we are sick, even to my little one. He had colds a week ago and i gave him few drops of this fruit juice and made him well. I have never eaten this fruit when i was in Philippines still. I just saw this fruit when i came here in America and became one of my favorite fruits. Even though we are not sick, we always buy this whenever we go to the store to buy some groceries. I am glad that my kids liked this fruit, since it is not very usual that the kids eats sour fruit like grapefruit, but oldest one loves it which is really good because he hates cough syrup or any medicine. At least i can give him something that makes him feel better whenever he gets cold or flu.
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