Once again, i had a very nice time last night with my good friends. It was fight of a brave warrior last night who is very famous all over the world, Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao. So we did not missed the chance to cheer for him and rejoice the victory as he won again. It was a good fight, i must say, Pacman really is a human being that feels towards his opponent for he tried to take the game easy in the twelve round, he doesn't want to smack as might as he can anymore for he saw his opponent's badly beaten already. Pacman has a good heart, he doesn't think that fighting is just a plain game, for him, boxing is also about respecting his opponent. I really am proud of him, because even though he still looked good last night after the big fight, he still said something that he got hurt by his opponent and that was very nice of him praising his opponent Margarito which is a lot taller than he is and a little bigger. For Pacman, it was hard for him to knock Margarito down.
Anyway, my friends and i are now suffering of losing our voice due to too much screaming cheering for Pacman. I was holding my breath every time the fight gets so intense. Goodness, i always feel the same way every Pacman's fight, i just could not help myself but to scream for i fear that he might lose or might fall down, but he was so firm and so active. I could really tell that Manny is not a bitter hearted person for he always considers his opponent's condition. Just like what happened last night. Every time the referee talks to Margarito, Pacman ran into the ring corner to wait. He really showed the whole world that Filipino is kind hearted, and respectful. Pacman is truly a human....
But before all that, we had a very sumptuous dinner that each one of us brought to enjoy, and of course picture taking is always present... My camera is always the star whenever there's get together like this. You'll see more of my photos by the way in my FB account.

2 Gibble Gabblers:
You look great...napansin nako u all wore skinny jeans...Happy thanksgiving!
Thanks miss Bingkee, bitaw noh, ikaw ra gyud nakapansin ana hihi, happy thanksgiving to you too!
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